

 Luís Rebouta

CO-PI: Mikhail Vasilevskiy



CF-UM-UP is a union of an interdisciplinary research centre mostly devoted to applied studies (CFUM) and a research centre fully dedicated to theoretical physics (CFP). The goal is to reach a higher level of international visibility and scientific impact and equilibrium between fundamental and applied, theoretical and experimental studies. Its scientific activity involves Theoretical High Energy Physics and Cosmology, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics (theoretical and experimental), Materials Fabrication and Applications, Optics, Biophysics, Optometry and Vision Sciences. With over 80 members with PhD, it is organized in four groups, three of which are based at CFUM:

1. Assessment and enhancing visual performance

2. Physics of quantum materials and bionanostructures

3. Functional and smart materials and surfaces for advanced applications

4. Quantum Physics and Fields in High Energy and Condensed Matter Theory

The goal of Group 1, performing research in the area of human vision, is to deal with risk factors towards ocular morbidity arising from current societal challenges (e.g. urbanization, ageing). Color vision is also an internationally recognized research area. These research topics are almost unique in Portugal, with strong links to specialised industry.

Group 2 is devoted to theoretical and experimental aspects, related to the electronic and optical properties of materials where quantum effects play an important role, and also to their behaviour in biological systems. Theoretical research in graphene and other 2D materials is internationally recognized and will expand to other quantum materials with potential applications in the field of Quantum Information. Research in bionanosystems is also a focus, including (magneto)liposomes or plasmonic nanoparticles aiming at applications such as drug delivery, local therapy and biosensing.

Group 3 is dedicated to materials fabrication, characterisation and modelling of structure and morphology, and development or transfer for targeted applications, with strong links to engineering. It has broad experience in developing technological surfaces and coatings in applied projects with the goal to design and produce a functional device or part of it (e.g. thin films for efficient energy conversion, photocatalytic or anti-bacterial coatings, magnetoelectric polymer composites for sensing and other applications) with involvement in several active spin-off companies.

Group 4 is focused on cosmology, classical and quantum gravity, conformal field theory and gauge/gravity duality, including its applications to particle physics and condensed matter. Its philosophy is to gather theorists to coherently address fundamental theoretical challenges arising from different areas, i.e. acting as a Theory Division of the whole unit.

CF-UM-UP is determined to further expand its scientific output and cooperation between the research groups, and increase its internationally recognized impact. For this, it will support participation in high potential projects, cooperate with strategic partners (e.g. INL), organize top scientific events, participate in several PhD Programs such as MAP-Fis, and outreach activities such as Physics Colloquia and Summer Schools.

Palavras chave:

Color Science, Electrophysiology, Aberrometry

Quantum and 2D materials, Ultrafast Spectroscopy, Bionanostructures

Thin films for energy storage and harvesting, Smart materials, Self-cleaning materials

Quantum fields, Cosmology, Quantum matter




Orçamento Global:1 275 000, 00 €

Orçamento UMinho: 1 052 616, 28 €

Orçamento UPorto: 222 383, 72 €


Apoio Financeiro 

OE: 1 275 000, 00 €


Data início: 01-01-2020

Data Fim: 31-12-2023

Imagem ilustrativa

logo cfumup fd escuro




fctcompte portugal 2020