Nome Completo / Full Name
Marlene Susana Dionísio Lúcio

Gabinete / Office
B1048, Departamento de Física, Campus de Gualtar

Telefone / Phone
253 604 060 / 605 321

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Categoria / Category
Investigadora Auxiliar/ Assistant Researcher
Professora Associada Convidada/Invited Associated Professor

Indicador / Researcher indicator
Orcid: 0000-0003-2593-1672

Página pessoal / personal page

Palavras chave / Keywords
Nanocarriers, Nanotherapeutics, Membrane model systems, ADMET profiling, Biophysical techniques

Currículo Resumido / Short resume

Graduated in Pharmaceutical Sciences by the Faculty of Pharmacy of University of Porto (FFUP) in 1999, with a PhD in Pharmaceutical Chemistry (2006). In 2008 was awarded for her outstanding contribution to research in life sciences based on a selection of leading young scientists of the European Young Chemists Award competition. Key research expertise areas include biophysical studies at the molecular level to clarify the mechanism of action and toxicity of drugs and other bioactive compounds, thus offering valuable insights to improve therapeutical value and develop more effective drugs. Nanostructured vectors are used as biotechnological approaches to Nanomedicine applications both on genetic therapy and as drug delivery systems.